Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Ok, I admit it! I am addicted to my Blackberry! When I first bought it a few years back, I REFUSED to sign on to have internet access.


My reasoning was, I don't want to work when I'm not at work! I bought it because I liked the look...THAT'S IT!

Fast forward three months...I sign on to have unlimited texts...after all, it's the way my kids communicate, so I better get on board.

Fast forward three more months and I give in and get internet access. WOW! At first, my thoughts were, "Cool! This is handy". After a while, I would find myself looking forward to the blinking red light! "Is it a text? Is it an email?" Oooh! The suspense!

Fast forward to this morning:

I'm ironing my white blouse for work. I have added water and I am waiting for iron to heat up. I see it blink red AND I THINK TO MYSELF "I BETTER CHECK MY MESSAGE!"

I almost picked up the iron to CHECK MY MESSAGES!

I am soooo not making this up! It was at that point that I decided, I truly am addicted to my Blackberry!

None of the other tell-tale signs worked. Not the texting while at a red light. Not the replying to emails while having a conversation with a co worker. Not even when I was responding to a "TWEET" underneath the desk at an office meeting!

So, what's a crackberry addict to do? :-)


Amanda Wernick

FUNomenal Realtor

Monday, July 13, 2009

Who's "Right"?

I have always said that Real Estate is ever changing and fluid...like a river...

So what happens when you, the consumer, gets thrown into the river that is heading over a waterfall?Photobucket

A friend of mine has her Real Estate license. She currently works at an attorney's office helping people with Loan Modifications. She has seen her fair share of blame laid...First on the consumer, then on the loan officer and finally on the bank. She has witnessed tenants being evicted from their home with no clue or forewarning. It has made her miserable!Photobucket

She is also a homeowner and landlord.

From the very beginning this tenant/landlord relationship has been tumultuous to say the least!

The tenants bounced checks the first three month which spiraled into huge check fees for her. She called to no avail to find out what was happening. Finally, one of the neighbors clues her in...Mom's been arrested...going away for 3 months...dad's back home...what to do?

She doesn't throw them out, or give them notice...she works with them..."Let's make payment arrangements...Tell me if you can't make the payment so that I can cover it for you"....etc.

But this last month was the final straw. Once again, no rent paid...she is two weeks into this.
No returned phone calls.
Finally she sends a certified letter.
"Dad" is now offended and feels threatened so has hired a lawyer!

Now, if she was a client of mine, I would walk her through this, be a shoulder to lean on and give her some sane advice...BUT...she is a friend of mine and it is difficult to keep my Realtor hat on! My first reaction is to tell her to lock them out of the house!


So, I calm down and say to her..."Now is the time for you to set up a consultation with an attorney. They are the only ones qualified to advise you on what steps you need to take legally. There's a process involved, and doing what I WANT to suggest will only complicate things.

I felt good that I detached myself and quickly put on my Realtor hat to offer sound advice...but that doesn't mean that I'm not miffed about her circumstances.

She was doing THEM a favor and this is what she gets? As a Realtor, I have to stay calm and say, "These things happen. Here is the name of an attorney who may be able to help you".

So I ask YOU...who's "rights" is it anyway?
Can you blame the tenant who has had a less than stellar record with regards to a payment history for hunkering down, not paying rent and consulting an attorney to see how long they could stay in the house rent free?
Do you blame the Landlord, who should have consulted with an attorney at the very beginning to protect herself from what has just happened?
Do you split the blame up the middle?
What are YOUR thoughts?

Amanda Wernick

FUN-omenal Realtor

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year means a New YOU!

Monday was officially the first day back to work after what seemed like an eternity of Holiday time!

Now it’s time to put on your thinking cap and see what you are going to do next?

Traditionally, most agents do not make the time to set up this strategy BEFORE the year ends, so this means that at some point, they wake up and think “ARGH! WHAT DO I DO NOW?”

You could start attending all the office meetings… (oh yeah, you did that LAST year and didn’t get any more business from it).

Now don’t misunderstand me, office meetings CAN be very beneficial…if they are held to empower you, the agent, by giving you information that is relevant to YOU and YOUR CLIENTS.

“Hmm…I know! I’ll meet with the marketing department and have them help me pick out a farm!” Yeah? Not so much…remember that farming COSTS MONEY…and money is only a SMALL part of farming!

Farming is about being out there and working the soil…can you imagine a farmer, sitting on his “laurels” and throwing seeds out of his window, hoping some will settle in, germinate and produce “produce”?

Not hardly! This is more like it:

Let me tell you what I KNOW works…and it’s not just ONE thing…there’s not one magic bullet in the bunch…

First, create a business plan. This is where it can get tricky. Most business plans are created with no consideration given to it 3 days later! Your business plan needs to be in front of you at all times to remind you why you got up this morning and why you do what you do.

Most people are not conditioned to think this way. The great thing is that you CAN and SHOULD condition yourself to think this way…not a 3 week New Year’s Resolution, but a live, viable, working plan that you tweak as you go.

Stay tuned for Part Two or call/email me so we can set a confidential appointment!

Amanda Wernick

Career Development Manager

Seven Gables Real Estate



Monday, December 29, 2008

12 Days of Real Estate....Day Twelve!

The Christmas Holiday has come and gone...a little too soon for some and not fast enough for others! I myself took a few days off and did NOTHING Real Estate related...including posting the last day of Real Estate! So, in order to finish the year off right I am putting on my thinking cap, and going to finish the 12 days and then recap...and hopefully they rhyme when I'm done!

On the 12th day of Real Estate, Seven Gables gave to you......PERSEVERANCE!

We started off with Einstein and it is only fitting that we complete our reading with an Einstein quote:

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

Why? Because that's how they became problems in the first place!

If you are serious about a Real Estate Career and yet you find that your momentum is a little slow these days, what will you intend to do to solve the problem?

Notice I didn't say "fix the situation". The reason for that is because to "fix" something is only a temporary solution...and then eventually time or circumstance moves us forward and we "think" we've fixed it without looking at what created the problem to begin with. We have set up our future to have the same problem, over and over and over again...

So, what kind of problems are you having and how did they start? Do you have an idea of when, where, how and why it started?

For example:

PROBLEM: "All of my buyers are waiting to see what happens next year".

SOLUTION: Find new buyers!

If this is where you are at, you must look at the activities you focus on daily and see if somewhere along the way, you dropped prospecting.

This is HUGE!
Most agents will look and make excuses that it's the Holiday's (or the economy, or the aliens that landed in Yucaipa) and then wonder why their well has run dry...the truth is BUYERS ARE OUT THERE, but you're focusing on a PROBLEM and not a solution, and then become frustrated when people don't respond the way YOU want them to!

Perseverance in life is noble...perseverance in Real Estate is CRUCIAL... if you are to remain in Real Estate!
So! Take a deep breath and sing with me:
On the 12th day of Real Estate, Amanda gave to me:
12 Thoughts of Perseverance
11 Thankful Tiding's (Be Thankful)
10 Lords of Language
9 Ladies Looking (Clear Vision)
8 Gears Reversing
7 Engaging Conversations
6 Geese a Squawking (Effective Communication)
5 Perspectives!
4 Breakdowns
3 French portions (Portion Control)
2 Assumptions
And some thoughts on Albert Einstein!

Hoping your 2008 was FABULOUS and your 2009 will be PHENOMENAL!
Amanda Wernick
Career Development Manager
Seven Gables Real Estate
714-837-7753 amandaw@sevengables.com

12 Days of Real Estate....Day Eleven!

On the Eleventh Day of Real Estate, Seven Gables gave to me....Reasons to be Thankful....

The world is what it is...it isn't good or bad or wrong....it just is!

We are often quick to judge when things don't go according to OUR plan.

We always have a"reason" why things didn't pan out.

Here are a few things to be Thankful for:
A company that cares about YOU
A staff that is there to make sure that you supported in every facet of your Real Estate Career.
Clients who refer business to you.
The ability to make your own hours so that you can be there for school pageants and soccer games.
A career that isn't stagnant but always challenging.
A roof over your head and food in your tummy.
So despite all the negative press out there...and I know that it is definitly a challenge right now, there are so many things that we lose sight of...and I just wanted to take a minute to remind you!

So on the Eleventh Day of Real Estate, Amanda gave to me....A reason to be Thankful!

Cherry Merry, Happy Hannah, and Happy Kwanza~

Amanda Wernick
Career Development Manager
Seven Gables Real Estate

12 Days of Real Estate....Day Eleven!

On the Eleventh Day of Real Estate, Seven Gables gave to me....Reasons to be Thankful....

The world is what it is...it isn't good or bad or wrong....it just is!

We are often quick to judge when things don't go according to OUR plan.

We always have a"reason" why things didn't pan out.

Here are a few things to be Thankful for:
A company that cares about YOU
A staff that is there to make sure that you supported in every facet of your Real Estate Career.
Clients who refer business to you.
The ability to make your own hours so that you can be there for school pageants and soccer games.
A career that isn't stagnant but always challenging.
A roof over your head and food in your tummy.
So despite all the negative press out there...and I know that it is definitly a challenge right now, there are so many things that we lose sight of...and I just wanted to take a minute to remind you!

So on the Eleventh Day of Real Estate, Amanda gave to me....A reason to be Thankful!

Cherry Merry, Happy Hannah, and Happy Kwanza~

Amanda Wernick
Career Development Manager
Seven Gables Real Estate