Monday was officially the first day back to work after what seemed like an eternity of Holiday time!
Now it’s time to put on your thinking cap and see what you are going to do next?
Traditionally, most agents do not make the time to set up this strategy BEFORE the year ends, so this means that at some point, they wake up and think “ARGH! WHAT DO I DO NOW?”
You could start attending all the office meetings… (oh yeah, you did that LAST year and didn’t get any more business from it).
Now don’t misunderstand me, office meetings CAN be very beneficial…if they are held to empower you, the agent, by giving you information that is relevant to YOU and YOUR CLIENTS.
“Hmm…I know! I’ll meet with the marketing department and have them help me pick out a farm!” Yeah? Not so much…remember that farming COSTS MONEY…and money is only a SMALL part of farming!
Farming is about being out there and working the soil…can you imagine a farmer, sitting on his “laurels” and throwing seeds out of his window, hoping some will settle in, germinate and produce “produce”?
Not hardly! This is more like it:
Let me tell you what I KNOW works…and it’s not just ONE thing…there’s not one magic bullet in the bunch…
First, create a business plan. This is where it can get tricky. Most business plans are created with no consideration given to it 3 days later! Your business plan needs to be in front of you at all times to remind you why you got up this morning and why you do what you do.
Most people are not conditioned to think this way. The great thing is that you CAN and SHOULD condition yourself to think this way…not a 3 week New Year’s Resolution, but a live, viable, working plan that you tweak as you go.
Stay tuned for Part Two or call/email me so we can set a confidential appointment!
Amanda Wernick
Career Development Manager
Seven Gables Real Estate