Monday, December 29, 2008

12 Days of Real Estate....Day Nine!

On the 9th day of Real Estate, Seven Gables gave to me....A Clear Vision
Life in Real Estate sometimes seems as if we're riding a roller coaster.
Life (or escrow) throws us a curve ball...before you panic:

Gather Facts. Investigate causes and circumstances of the problem. Probe details about it - such as its origins and causes, especially if you have a problem that's too vague. Investigating facts is usually more productive than trying to solve it right away.

If, for example, the problem stated by your spouse is "You never listen to me",

the solution is not obvious.

However, if the statement is "You don't make enough eye contact when I'm talking to you," then the solution is obvious and you can skip brainstorming altogether. (You'll still need to work on the implementation, though!)

Ask yourself questions about the problem. What is not known about it? Can you draw a diagram of the problem? What are the problem boundaries? Be curious. Ask questions and gather facts. It is said that a well-defined problem is halfway to being solved: you could add that a perfectly-defined problem is not even a problem anymore!

So on the 9th day of Real Estate, Amanda gave to me, 20/20 vision!

Call or email me with any Real Estate related questions! If I don't know the answer, I'll be sure to connect you with the person you need to speak with!
Amanda Wernick
Career Development Manager
Seven Gables Real Estate

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