Monday, December 29, 2008

12 Days of Real Estate....Day Ten

On the Tenth day of Real Estate, Seven Gables gave to me....LANGUAGE!
My son is a GAMER...

(That's not my son, just in case you were wondering)
This weekend there was a HUGE gamers convention in San Fransisco and of course he went. I picked him up afterwards with a few of his friends and as we were driving home I heard this:
"Dude, Did you....T-Sticking...and then....blast line...and when was like WHOA! And then when that girl....Shine spike...."

On and on it went. I turned off my radio thinking to myself, "Are they speaking english? What are they saying? What does THAT mean?". I consider myself a pretty hip mom, but to be in the car with 3 teenage boys SPEAKING A LANGUAGE I couldn't understand was beyond me!

And then of course it hits me! How often as Realtors do we have a conversation with a Client and speak "Realtor-ese". You know what I mean..."Drawing Docs, Appraisal Review, DOM, and CDOM....Easements etc..."

We've all been guilty of it. We THINK we're having a conversation, when in reality we're confusing the heck out of our cllients!
So, what to do? Easy! ALWAYS let them know that we sometimes get carried away with Realtor speak and rather than have them not understand what the terms are, you encourage them to ask you questions!

Create a glossary that you can hand your clients so that they can have something to go back to after you leave....Yes,, our contracts have terms at the end that our Clients can read on their own time...BUT to have something from YOU, their Trusted Advisor will mean more to them!
It will relay to them that YOU have been asked these questions before and that YOU know how to explain them to ALL of your clients. It also let's them know that they are NOT alone.

So on the 10th day of Real Estate, Amanda gave to me....language for the masses!

Amanda Wernick
Career Development Manger
Seven Gables Real Estate

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